Charles R. Mackintosh
Fourteen completed building designs and a series of inyerirs. Despite his some what scarce output, Mackintosh was one of the most original and inflentialcreators in turn-of-the- century design. After studyng at the Glasgow School, he worked as a graphic designer and decorator. His fame is linked to his rejection of Art Noveau figures in favour of rationalism and geometrical purity , an approach which exerted considerable influence on architecture in the early 1900s. His most important building shemes were realised in and around Glasgow.Mackintosch 's furniture(hill house 1903-4) shows a marked tendency towards stylisation and even towards abstraction: his famous chair with their high backs are takens of an idealised chair rather than objects for practical use. In 1920 Mackintosh abandoned architecture and retired in France where he spent his remaining years painting watercolours..